Thursday, January 29, 2009

First Night of Matrix Seminar - Friday December 5th 2008

At first my left brain was trying to figure out an explanation for what my eyes were seeing. People would go up on the stage and they seemed so comfortable up there I figured they must be actors who just fall to the stage floor on cue. Then Dr. Bartlett's dowsing finger pointed at me and I knew I wasn't a plant. I was a little nervous up there trying to get comfortable with the realization that 650 people are staring at me. He placed me in front of this guy who was a computer tech. I said I was a writer. He was doing something along the lines of linking us left brain and right brain. He put his hand up on my shoulder, as he pulled our heads closer together. I looked at his eyes which were just inches from mine and they were staring right past me into a void as if I wasn't there. Then he made some comment about the movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still" and asked if I had seen it. I shook my head, no, and then in the next second my body just fell back without bending a knee to the stage floor. I didn't feel anything. Then he was explaining to the audience that see I didn't even have to understand the archetype he was using in order for it to work.

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