Thursday, January 8, 2009

Even more progress: releasing lots of limiting beliefs

College was easier than work in some ways because I had more control over when I could completely fall apart emotionally and when I had to hold it together long enough to get assignments in on time.

It was on my birthday in 2001 that I really fell apart. So much so that I knew I needed some more outside help. My old therapist had moved to Australia and was only accessible by e-mail which wasn’t enough. I told the Universe that I would like a way to move through these emotions and I would like that way to come in the next two weeks. A few days later I was reading through the school newspaper and saw a free workshop for rape survivors. I went to it and didn’t find the workshop helpful, but I stayed to talk with some of the ladies who helped with it and one of them referred me to an alternative therapist. After just one session with her, I knew her techniques were working. This healer had a whole bag of tricks to help release all of the betrayal, anxiety, and depression I had been holding on to for so long. She used Rapid Eye Technology (see, EFT (see, Kinergetics, Craniosacral, Aromatherapy, and Reiki. The more I released emotions the more I was able to create my life the way I wanted it to be. I rediscovered yoga which also helped to release these emotions and the stress from school.

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