Well when my computer got stolen so did my day planner where I've kept notes of when miracle events happened. Below are highlights I remember from memory, but not necessarily in chronological order:
Matrix works almost consistently on finding me a great parking spot.
I hit 10 mph traffic heading north bound on I-5 as I headed to work one morning. After a few minutes of that, I thought, "Okay I can't take this anymore." I 2-pointed the traffic moving and immediately my foot lowered down on the accelerated and the car lurched forward as the traffic suddenly moved and allowed me to get up to 50 mph. I went from 10 to 50 mph in less than a minute. Sometimes we just forget how powerful we are and that we don't have to just sit and accept a situation as it is.
Changing the Weather
This one is a little more difficult for me to feel like I have control over. As we headed out of the worst snow storm the Seattle area has seen in 44 years, I 2-pointed the predicted weather for Los Angeles. I really need some warm days and currently the weather for Christmas Eve was 55 degrees and raining, a cold snap for L.A. The weather predicted that it wouldn't get up to 70 degrees until after we had to return back to Seattle. I 2-pointed that we would get at least 2 days of sunny warm weather and we did. I felt I had to limit this because of the strong morphic field created by the collective conscious that says we have no control over the weather.
Matrix helped me win at a card game.
When visiting family for the holidays we played a favorite family French card game, Milbournes. I focused my 2-points on the draw pile on on the card in which I needed. Fifty percent of the time I would draw the card in which I needed. I noticed that it seemed to work better if I spoke out loud to the group that "I'm finding the alternate reality in which I am drawing the (insert card I needed) card." Even thought the group didn't believe in this hoaky stuff there collective observation seemed to help.
Healing my Knee
After that first initial session right after the Matrix Seminar, my knee continued to get better. My knee began to hurt when it was bent in certain ways about 5 months ago. It was the beginning of July when I started writing my memoir and delving back into some very deep and painful stuff. I never got a chance to completely clear the emotions that were stirred that summer because in the Fall I had to move and the transition took a lot of my time and focus. I knew that not being able to move forward because of the memories was the cause of the knee problem, but I simply didn't have the time to clear it. Matrix fixed it right up and after 5 months of suffering with it, it took about a month to get to a place where I hardly notice it as a problem anymore in my yoga class.
The Ultimate Miracle which Matrix has brought about
The worst side effect of the rape/trauma I experienced when I was 19 was this condition called Vaginismus (see ). Basically I can't have sexual intercourse without feeling an intense searing pain inside my vagina. The rape caused a psychosomatic condition in which my PC muscles go into spasm and block anything from getting inside even tampons. It's a protective measure, but it has been a major source of heart ache and difficulty in my marriage. I feel very safe with my husband and I have worked through so many emotional issues around feeling safe with him sexually and yet after three and a half years of being sexually active with him it is a rare occasion in which we are able to experience pain free sexual intercourse that I was able to really enjoy. So we've had to get really creative and find ways to satisfy each other without having sexual intercourse. Within two weeks of putting the matrix into effect I had the most amazing sex with my husband. I've never seen him react that way and after I orgasmed I laughed so ecstatically. Matrix is so easy you can be 2-pointing in the middle of having sex and it would drop me into this total present moment place that totally intensified the entire interaction. We were able to have pain free sexual intercourse two more times that weekend. It didn't work so good the next weekend or the next. Then it came back again. Once the busyness of the holidays were over the New Year seemed to open up this space in which I could back into doing my Vaginismus workbook and Matrix is giving me the support I need to make it work. I'm hopeful that within a month I'll be having the most incredible sex of my life. This is such a strongly embedded blockage in my field it's been around for a decade. Matrix just cuts right through that blockage.
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